Greetings! My name is Eve Boltax, owner of Feldenkrais in Jamaica Plain. I offer group classes and individual lessons in the Feldenkrais Method®. I look forward to helping you discover more ease and possibility for moving through life. Glad you’re here!
What is Feldenkrais?
The Feldenkrais Method® is a sensory-motor learning and movement re-education process for expanding possibilities in movement and life. With an understanding that the mind, body, and environment are inextricably linked, we use movement as an entry point to rewire patterns of thinking, feeling, sensing, and action on conscious and unconscious levels. The method is named after its founder: the brilliant 20th century engineer, physicist, and judo master Moshe Feldenkrais. Pronunciation note: Feldenkrais rhymes with “rice.”
Who is Feldenkrais for?
People utilize Feldenkrais in order to improve their mobility, flexibility, strength, stability, balance, posture, body awareness, coordination, and cognitive functioning. Feldenkrais is for people who are living with pain or neurological issues, people who want to maintain a high level of performance (musicians, dancers, actors, athletes), or people who simply want to inhabit themselves more fully.
Sounder Sleep System™ immersive workshop + full training
Paris Kern, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Trainer® and Sounder Sleep System instructor, has been teaching groups and individuals for over 30 years
Online Intro Session: January 6th, 7:00-8:00pm
The Sounder Sleep System is intended to help people who have trouble sleeping or wake up during the night and have difficulty falling back asleep.
The first module can be taken stand-alone for personal use. The full training is intended for professionals who help people with anxiety, stress, and sleeping issues, as well as anyone who wishes to have an immersive learning of nervous system calming techniques.
The Sounder Sleep System is based on the discovery that certain small, slow, repeated physical movements can shift us from the active, waking state to a state of profound physical and mental repose. When we reach that tranquil state, if we need sleep, we will fall asleep.
This three day workshop (Jan 18-20) will profoundly improve the quality of your sleep and therefore your life. Those wanting to continue for modules 2 & 3 can become certified to teach the Sounder Sleep System. It is recommended that you have had a minimum of 10 Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® lessons or completed the Good Night's Sleep Program before enrolling in the full Sounder Sleep System training. The workshop is limited to 20 participants
“Paris is one of the most skilled, thoughtful, passionate teachers of the Sounder Sleep System that I know. Let Paris be your guide to the beauty and the pleasure of sleep.” — Michael Krugman, Founder, Sounder Sleep System™ and author of The Insomnia Solution
How is Feldenkrais practiced?
group classes
Awareness Through Movement (ATM) are the group classes within the Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education. The repertoire of ATM lessons consists of thousands of guided movement lessons designed to enhance self-awareness and improve movement patterns. Through gentle and mindful exploration of various movements, individuals develop a deeper understanding of their habitual patterns and inefficient habits. By increasing awareness of these patterns, people can discover new possibilities for movement and develop more efficient ways of functioning. ATM is used to recover from injuries, manage chronic pain, enhance athletic performance, and promote overall well-being. It is based on neuroscience and motor learning principles, emphasizing the connection between movement, perception, and the nervous system's development. Ultimately, Awareness Through Movement offers a pathway to improved physical functioning, coordination, and overall self-expression.
I currently teach weekly ATM classes on Mondays 6-7pm in Jamaica Plain and Tuesdays 6-7pm in Cambridge. These are ongoing, drop-in classes. Space is limited, please register in advance!
individual sessions
Functional Integration (FI) is the hands-on approach within the Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education. It involves individualized sessions in which a certified Feldenkrais practitioner uses gentle touch and movement to guide and facilitate a person's exploration and learning. The practitioner's skilled touch, combined with verbal instructions, helps the individual develop greater awareness of their movement patterns, habits, and possibilities for improvement. Through the precise and gentle manipulations, Functional Integration aims to enhance overall movement quality, coordination, and flexibility. It is often used to address specific issues, such as chronic pain, limited range of motion, or movement difficulties, by promoting more efficient and effortless movement patterns. The sessions are tailored to each person's unique needs, providing a personalized and holistic approach to improving physical and mental well-being.
I currently offer Functional Integrations Sunday-Thursday in Jamaica Plain and Tuesday afternoon in Cambridge. Inquire via email.
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The following are registered service marks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America: Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Functional Integration®, Awareness Through Movement®, ATM®, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®.